Thursday, February 18, 2010

Crazy New Beginnings?

New Beginnings. Well I guess this should be about them because I titled this Blog as such. For me and my mom this is a new beginning. Sure every time we've ever moved (9 diff school districts k-12) its been because of money. Yep Eviction mostly. This time it's a bit different in a lot of aspects.
1st being that i'm at college this time. Therefore unable to pack my own stuff up and organize it to my liking and location.
see, I'll basically be moving in with my dad and (evil) step mom with most of my stuff in storage. My mom, she's moving in with my older brother, his wife and their 5 children. Yep, that makes 8 people in one house. The sad thing is, Danny (the oldest brother) said he's expected to take care of my mom at one point or another. She's a bit ditzy and doesn't understand what money "Management" means. balancing a checkbook? She's never heard the term. So i've been forced my entire life to leave the places I just begin to get comfortable at because of money. Moving now is the only difference. I've never gone to a school longer than 2 years. I went from 8th- graduation where we're moving from now which is basically the most important years. All the memories and places i'm used to will now have to be changed to 1 or 2 hours south. I have to leave my amazing job i've had for 3 years and now have no idea where i'll work for money.

The second difference is that this move isn't all about money or eviction. There isn't even an eviction. My mom lost her license again, yea again, with tons of fines, a lawsuit, unpaid bills, and shut off notices, there is no way she could stay there with no way of going to work. She had to face reality at some point.

The point to this long tirade of woe me! Is that i'm not entirely upset about this. Of course at first a bawled for days at the prospect of being away from the love of my life, my adorable God-son who is growing so fast, and all my close family.
But I know this is happening for a reason. I know for a fact something in this is God's plan. He has brought me to far to let me fall down by some small obstacle.

So in all this, I'm excited. Who knows what will happen, where i'll end up, but I do know it's in God's hands and i'm taken care of.