I am like a deer, you are like the water.
I run to you, like a son to his father.
I felt so alone, like a moth without a flame,
But you ignited, and to You I came,
And that's forever.
I felt so alone like ship without a sea.
But you gave me water,
You took my hand and said to me,
"This is for eternity."
I'll never be lonely,
I'll never be lonely with You.
I've got this feeling that You're here to stay,
And I know I'll never be lonely with You.
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
Monday, November 30, 2009
Finishing a stressful semester
Well, my sophomore fall semester is coming to a close. Definitely my most stressful yet which makes me ecstatic to be done with it. A month vacation is looming two weeks ahead and I cannot wait. Finals and projects, and presentations yet to come, but i can get through it and God is taking all stress from me. Most likely my last Blog till next semester so....
I'm keepin it short this time,
I'm keepin it short this time,
Thursday, November 5, 2009
Life is fast
So i've realized recently that life goes really fast once you get older. I can't believe how fast college is going and this semester?! well it feels like we just started but only have 4 weeks left. I'm so excited though because this has been a very challenging semester for me...def the hardest. I do feel after this semester of tutoring a middle schooler and taking more ED classes, i feel way more prepared to start student teaching next semester.
So aside from school I get to go back to work Saturday after initiation and I am so excited. I miss it so much and not having a pay check stinks since it's almost impossible to find a job on or around campus. Funny thing is I would rather be at work than writing a paper or studying any day. I think a lot of people are like that but it just seems kind of funny. When i worked at Cedar Point it definitely wasn't that way, i'd rather be cramming for exams than dealing with the crap i had to there.
All well,
here's another random blog from me to you
So aside from school I get to go back to work Saturday after initiation and I am so excited. I miss it so much and not having a pay check stinks since it's almost impossible to find a job on or around campus. Funny thing is I would rather be at work than writing a paper or studying any day. I think a lot of people are like that but it just seems kind of funny. When i worked at Cedar Point it definitely wasn't that way, i'd rather be cramming for exams than dealing with the crap i had to there.
All well,
here's another random blog from me to you
Monday, November 2, 2009
Laughter and Love
Funny thing love and life is. God has the most amazing sense of humor and I thank him immensely for that because if he didn't life would be dull and emotionless. Laughter is so strong and can mean so many things. Your an idiot, your hilarious, your amazing, i'm so happy, i'm so sad, that was a great time!, that was embarrassing...like i said, so many things. God created laughter and it's only right that in church, the time spent for and with the creator wholly is full of laughter. When you sit in a church service, you should hear laughter from those around you so joyously filled with his presence they're like little children, carefree and ridiculously happy. What a great way to spend a Sunday morning. These are the Sunday's i've been looking forward to since attending my Aunt Glady's church. The drive might take almost 2 hours but that 4 hour round trip is worth every minute spent gas mile spent.
People responding with "i'm blessed" and "God is good" is so much better than hearing "i'm going through this" "pray for me about that". What kind of relationship are you leading with Christ??!
Sure i've been guilty of the same thing...Pity party over hear...just read my former blogs. That does not make me a hypocrite, no, just newly learned. Newly renewed and filled with a love i've been longing for my whole life. a love so unconditionally given, with sacrifice written on ever L.O.V. and E.
This love that overpowers you to tears of surrender, tears of your own sacrifice, tears of guilt, and gratefullness and of the love you hope to return even slightly to the degree He does.
This love i've spat in the face of, continually without so many words ignored and acted like i didn't need it.
EVERYONE NEEDS THIS LOVE... To throw this love back would be the worst mistake a person can make.
Surrender to this love.
The love that gave itself for each and every person on the planet.
This deep love relationship is what God wants with each of us.
He continually opens his arms wide to us even as we walk away.
He stands calling our names when we curse his beautiful one.
This love that brings us out of depression and confusion and poverty is there even as I type this, standing over smiling at me with all the love and devotion a husband shows his new Bride.
who could turn from this....sins will never make him not love you...don't ever let guilt hold you back from a love that can set you free.
He loves you.
Surrender to laughter
and surrender to True Love.
People responding with "i'm blessed" and "God is good" is so much better than hearing "i'm going through this" "pray for me about that". What kind of relationship are you leading with Christ??!
Sure i've been guilty of the same thing...Pity party over hear...just read my former blogs. That does not make me a hypocrite, no, just newly learned. Newly renewed and filled with a love i've been longing for my whole life. a love so unconditionally given, with sacrifice written on ever L.O.V. and E.
This love that overpowers you to tears of surrender, tears of your own sacrifice, tears of guilt, and gratefullness and of the love you hope to return even slightly to the degree He does.
This love i've spat in the face of, continually without so many words ignored and acted like i didn't need it.
EVERYONE NEEDS THIS LOVE... To throw this love back would be the worst mistake a person can make.
Surrender to this love.
The love that gave itself for each and every person on the planet.
This deep love relationship is what God wants with each of us.
He continually opens his arms wide to us even as we walk away.
He stands calling our names when we curse his beautiful one.
This love that brings us out of depression and confusion and poverty is there even as I type this, standing over smiling at me with all the love and devotion a husband shows his new Bride.
who could turn from this....sins will never make him not love you...don't ever let guilt hold you back from a love that can set you free.
He loves you.
Surrender to laughter
and surrender to True Love.
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
trugged up hurt feelings
So i have come to the conclusion that blogging is my new best friend. As i am now about to write about an old best friend who i told everything to but is no longer in the picture as stated in former blogs. Since i have noone who understands why i still feel hurt about this particular person when i should let it go after it's almost been a year, i will blog my feelings out in venting and wondering form to try to get it all out once again.
My former best friend Stephanie has hurt me in so many way in the past year. From the closest joined at the hip friends you would ever meet, to people that don't even talk or tell huge bits of news to. For instance, i just found out via facebook, that she is now engaged to the person she quit college and threw away her future for. It's been a little over a year now that they've been dating and not even half a year since they've been living together. I don't know if it's just me, but i think that's awfully soon to be already engaged. But she's always been the type to rush head first into relationships because they could be "the one". She's cheated and lied to boyfriends before and always been desperate for a boyfriend. So it makes sense that she's run head long at him not wanting to loose him. I'm just concerned. She's only just turned 19 and statistically their marraige won't last. In fact, statistically not only their ages are against them but it's proven that couples that live together before marraige are more likely to get divorced.
I guess the main thing about this whole situation is, that it's been exactly a year since she started keeping things from me, huge important things in her life from me while still claiming we were best friends. She's freakin engaged and of course she wouldn't tell the one person that was her best friend most of high school or her co-worker for a couple years or lived with for a summer/ That would be weird! why on earth would she tell someone that 'important' to her something so ginormous in their life.
I doubt i'll even get a wedding invite.
I mean i'm not some loosser that had no other friends to take her place. in fact i've got friends closer to me now than steph and i ever were. True non backstabbing friends. but steph and i went through so much growing together and its hard to discard that even though she seems to have without a backward glance.
I know anyone reading would say to just let it go, and i've tried, really hard i've tried.
At least i have my friends, my Alpha Phi sisters, my amazing boyfriend(who i love but wouldn't throw away my future and education for,) and my God-son. So i'm hoping these opened up wounds will close back up and i can stop being a whiner.
My former best friend Stephanie has hurt me in so many way in the past year. From the closest joined at the hip friends you would ever meet, to people that don't even talk or tell huge bits of news to. For instance, i just found out via facebook, that she is now engaged to the person she quit college and threw away her future for. It's been a little over a year now that they've been dating and not even half a year since they've been living together. I don't know if it's just me, but i think that's awfully soon to be already engaged. But she's always been the type to rush head first into relationships because they could be "the one". She's cheated and lied to boyfriends before and always been desperate for a boyfriend. So it makes sense that she's run head long at him not wanting to loose him. I'm just concerned. She's only just turned 19 and statistically their marraige won't last. In fact, statistically not only their ages are against them but it's proven that couples that live together before marraige are more likely to get divorced.
I guess the main thing about this whole situation is, that it's been exactly a year since she started keeping things from me, huge important things in her life from me while still claiming we were best friends. She's freakin engaged and of course she wouldn't tell the one person that was her best friend most of high school or her co-worker for a couple years or lived with for a summer/ That would be weird! why on earth would she tell someone that 'important' to her something so ginormous in their life.
I doubt i'll even get a wedding invite.
I mean i'm not some loosser that had no other friends to take her place. in fact i've got friends closer to me now than steph and i ever were. True non backstabbing friends. but steph and i went through so much growing together and its hard to discard that even though she seems to have without a backward glance.
I know anyone reading would say to just let it go, and i've tried, really hard i've tried.
At least i have my friends, my Alpha Phi sisters, my amazing boyfriend(who i love but wouldn't throw away my future and education for,) and my God-son. So i'm hoping these opened up wounds will close back up and i can stop being a whiner.
hurt feelings,
old friends,
Friday, September 11, 2009
Going Greek
OK, well I became a member of a sorority this week ALPHA PHI! I am so excited and already have such a sense of sisterhood. My two best friends on campus have also joined the same and so this brings us even closer. Next week is Rush Week, and we get to help out bringing new members interest into our sorority. Not so hard because we are AWESOME!
No, I am not full of myself, I'm just positive and confident in myself as I should be as God's chosen. Everyone should be because God deserves all the glory. Anyways that's the excitement I have for the week.....except tomorrow is my college's first home game in our new Athletic complex/ football field. Before the football team shared the high school stadium, and I'm sorry, but even for a high schools standards, that field sucked! So everyone's excited about the game tomorrow.
OK, well I became a member of a sorority this week ALPHA PHI! I am so excited and already have such a sense of sisterhood. My two best friends on campus have also joined the same and so this brings us even closer. Next week is Rush Week, and we get to help out bringing new members interest into our sorority. Not so hard because we are AWESOME!
No, I am not full of myself, I'm just positive and confident in myself as I should be as God's chosen. Everyone should be because God deserves all the glory. Anyways that's the excitement I have for the week.....except tomorrow is my college's first home game in our new Athletic complex/ football field. Before the football team shared the high school stadium, and I'm sorry, but even for a high schools standards, that field sucked! So everyone's excited about the game tomorrow.
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
Just Rambeling
So, onto a new year, my sophomore year of college to be exact, and i'm enjoying every minute of it. Well, every minute I've been here. This means i've been at school for over a week and i've only been to two days of classes. Now before you think i'm skipping classes, i'm not. I only have tues/thurs classes. The reason i missed a day was because of a very good reason, my best friend had her baby last tuesday. I got the call at 4:40am and left almost immediately for the 1 hr 15 min drive to the hospital. Only to find that she didn't have him until 1:50 am on wednesday. I was with her through it all, except for a couple hours when i picked up my boyfriend, or the 45 mins she was having her emergency c-section.
Okay, the thing i'm getting too is that, this school year has only just begun, and i feel behind. On sleep, on reading, on catching up with my friends, i'm completely missing my boyfriend. Well i may be caught up with my reading, and i do get to spend all weekend with my BF, but i'm sleepy all the time. staying up a few nights and barely getting sleep really pushed me back. But ENOUGH whining, i'm sickening myself. The point, again, that i'm trying to make is that, i have a feeling this year is going to be different. Not neccssarily in a bad way either. I've got favor with God, a positive attitude except for my random bouts of negitivity, a supportive boyfriend, a new God-Son, and a new attitude on life. This summer was amazing for my spiritual walk, without these changes, i would be the same dry, negative person I was before May. I turn 20 next month, and it seems to be the perfect time for me to leave my teens. Now i've always felt older than my age, my experiences are to blame for that, but that doesn't mean anything to the world. to reach that golden age of 20, two whole decades, just seems so right at the moment. FINALLY! people may start treating me like an adult, as if my 17 yr old cousin who's looked older than me since she was 14 and i was 16, just having a baby didn't help.
Anyway, i do believe i've rambeled a rediculous amount already about nothing. But as my favorite band says in my boyfriends favorite song "let it all out, get it out, remove it."
Okay, the thing i'm getting too is that, this school year has only just begun, and i feel behind. On sleep, on reading, on catching up with my friends, i'm completely missing my boyfriend. Well i may be caught up with my reading, and i do get to spend all weekend with my BF, but i'm sleepy all the time. staying up a few nights and barely getting sleep really pushed me back. But ENOUGH whining, i'm sickening myself. The point, again, that i'm trying to make is that, i have a feeling this year is going to be different. Not neccssarily in a bad way either. I've got favor with God, a positive attitude except for my random bouts of negitivity, a supportive boyfriend, a new God-Son, and a new attitude on life. This summer was amazing for my spiritual walk, without these changes, i would be the same dry, negative person I was before May. I turn 20 next month, and it seems to be the perfect time for me to leave my teens. Now i've always felt older than my age, my experiences are to blame for that, but that doesn't mean anything to the world. to reach that golden age of 20, two whole decades, just seems so right at the moment. FINALLY! people may start treating me like an adult, as if my 17 yr old cousin who's looked older than me since she was 14 and i was 16, just having a baby didn't help.
Anyway, i do believe i've rambeled a rediculous amount already about nothing. But as my favorite band says in my boyfriends favorite song "let it all out, get it out, remove it."
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
Summer of Change
So this summer is completely different from 08' in so many ways. Going into break I thought that there was no way this summer could be close to how awesome last summer was. Season pass to Cedar Point where I used to work, getting free stuff while there, and spending almost all my time with my best friend Stephanie. Anyways, without going into detail, it was an amazing summer before starting college. This summer though, has changed me in so many ways it's unreal. My boyfriend for one has told me on a number of occasions that he's definitely noticed a change. He would know since we've been friends for over 3 years. I he main thing that I think really changed me was the introduction to my cousin's cell group/Bible Study. My relationship with God has matured and grown so greatly in the last 3 months, and I'm slowly being revealed to other purposes in my life as well as being confirmed in my purpose to be a teacher.
Something else that has made me grow is finding out my 17 yr old best friend cousin was pregnant, planing her two showers, being the godmother, and just learning to cope with the fact that something else is drastically changing in my life.
Reflecting over the past year, starting college, the stuff I went through while there, coming back home and dealing with an array of other changes in my life has definitely made me a different person.
I don't really know what God has in store for me in the upcoming year. I do know that i'm strengthened, I have favor with the God that created everything and loves me beyond belief, and that i can take any changes that step up in my life now easier than before.
Something else that has made me grow is finding out my 17 yr old best friend cousin was pregnant, planing her two showers, being the godmother, and just learning to cope with the fact that something else is drastically changing in my life.
Reflecting over the past year, starting college, the stuff I went through while there, coming back home and dealing with an array of other changes in my life has definitely made me a different person.
I don't really know what God has in store for me in the upcoming year. I do know that i'm strengthened, I have favor with the God that created everything and loves me beyond belief, and that i can take any changes that step up in my life now easier than before.
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
Year of Trials
With my Freshman year of college ending, it's natural to reflect on things that happened throughout the year. Obviously not everything was good, but not everything was bad either.
First off let's start at the very beginning. Summer time. I would say the very best summer I can remember. Mainly because my best friend and I spent almost all our time together and she even lived with me for half the summer. We were so alike and best friends for 3 years. She unfortunately was not the best kind of friend. I just never listened to the advice of other people around me. She was a taker and it wasn't until college that i actually understood that she was just using me. Now you would think that as best friends, we would keep in touch quite often at least once a week and talk about our new lives at different colleges. But this was not the case. She pretty much began to ignore me and i found out through facebook that major changes were happening in her life and she obviously didn't want to share them with me. For example, she joined a sorority, cool and all, but she never told me or called me once about it. Ok maybe not a big deal. Another thing, she got a boyfriend. This is all within the first month of college. Some might think i am overexaggerating because she was probable too busy to think about calling me. But come on! An entire month with no word from her and major happenings in her life that she doesn't want to share with me. So this is when i pieced together all that my other friends and family were trying to tell me about her. She was only using me and once we were hours apart at different colleges i wasn't there and she didn't need me anymore.
Basically i can look at it two ways, college stole my best friends, or college revealed the truth about her. Huge events that i struggled with the first semester and that's not the end of it.
But i believe i've vented enough for now, i will be back with more on my first year later! give me your thoughts
First off let's start at the very beginning. Summer time. I would say the very best summer I can remember. Mainly because my best friend and I spent almost all our time together and she even lived with me for half the summer. We were so alike and best friends for 3 years. She unfortunately was not the best kind of friend. I just never listened to the advice of other people around me. She was a taker and it wasn't until college that i actually understood that she was just using me. Now you would think that as best friends, we would keep in touch quite often at least once a week and talk about our new lives at different colleges. But this was not the case. She pretty much began to ignore me and i found out through facebook that major changes were happening in her life and she obviously didn't want to share them with me. For example, she joined a sorority, cool and all, but she never told me or called me once about it. Ok maybe not a big deal. Another thing, she got a boyfriend. This is all within the first month of college. Some might think i am overexaggerating because she was probable too busy to think about calling me. But come on! An entire month with no word from her and major happenings in her life that she doesn't want to share with me. So this is when i pieced together all that my other friends and family were trying to tell me about her. She was only using me and once we were hours apart at different colleges i wasn't there and she didn't need me anymore.
Basically i can look at it two ways, college stole my best friends, or college revealed the truth about her. Huge events that i struggled with the first semester and that's not the end of it.
But i believe i've vented enough for now, i will be back with more on my first year later! give me your thoughts
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
I am currently attending Ashland University, finishing up my freshman year.
This year has been fun and exciting but it also contained a lot of crap that i would have rather lived without. These are the reasons i decided to start this blog. I feel like i have no one to talk to so i thought i would let everything out through this.
Any advice or encouragement is welcome.
Look for my first post sometime soon with more details on my life and my thoughts.
This year has been fun and exciting but it also contained a lot of crap that i would have rather lived without. These are the reasons i decided to start this blog. I feel like i have no one to talk to so i thought i would let everything out through this.
Any advice or encouragement is welcome.
Look for my first post sometime soon with more details on my life and my thoughts.
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